Understanding Your Commercial Cooler Door Gaskets And Their Care

As a food service business owner, your coolers and commercial refrigeration system are a vital part of your operation. Every cooler is outfitted with door gaskets that play a vital role in the cooler’s operation. The gaskets are essential for maintaining the internal temperature of the cooler, which preserves your inventory and ensures that your cooling system isn’t working overtime to try to keep things cool and safe. Here’s what you need to know about those door gaskets and how to care for them.

How Do You Find The Best Air Conditioner Size For Your Home?

You are planning on investing in a new central air conditioner for your home, and you know about what your options are as far as types. The only problem is, you are not exactly sure how to figure out what size air conditioner you need to efficiently keep your house cool and comfortable. If all the labels on BTUs and cooling capabilities leave you feeling a bit confused, don’t get overwhelmed; this stuff can be a little hard to understand.

3 Secrets That Your Air Conditioning Technician Will Probably Find Out About

You might not want to tell your air conditioning technician everything, but there are “secrets” that a good technician can usually find out about quite easily. These are some of the secrets that you might not have wanted to admit to your technician but that he or she might know anyway. 1. That You Don’t Change Your Air Filters Often Enough First, as a homeowner, one of the main things that you probably know that you should do when it comes to home maintenance is changing your HVAC filters regularly.

Protect Your HVAC By Maintaining The Utility Room

Almost every home has a utility room or closet that houses the water heater, furnace, and/or air handler. These are important appliances when it comes to the comfort of your home. But, both of these appliances use a lot of electricity in order to heat your water and air. Protect Your Appliances This is one reason that they are usually located in a closed off utility room. That is, they are protected for a reason.

Cleaning Your AC Coils When You Really Don't Want To

You may not enjoy the job of cleaning your air conditioning coils, but this is something you must do if you want to keep your AC running efficiently. Too much build-up on your AC coils will even cause your AC to break down. You will need to know the minimum requirements for how often you should clean your AC. AC Coil Cleaning Frequency For most homeowners, you will only need to clean your AC coils once a year.

Do You Own An Air Conditioning Unit? 3 Tips To Make It Last Longer

If you own an air conditioning (AC) unit, you likely put it to a lot of use during the hot, summer months. This puts a lot of work on the AC unit, which means it will not last as long if you do not take the steps to take proper care of it. To help you, below are three tips so you can ensure that you stay cool this summer.

How To Protect Your Heat Pump

A heat pump is a central figure in a central HVAC system. It uses a lot of electricity and needs to be maintained to keep down energy consumption. Heat pumps are on the outside of a house, and they get dirty more frequently than any part of the system. While you will need to clean your pump cabinet every couple of years, there a few ways that you can keep it cleaner and more efficient.

Comparing Boilers & Furnaces

Most modern homes are heated using central furnaces. While they certainly are the most common method of heating for residential properties, they are not the only option. To many, boilers might seem like an old-fashioned choice, but they can still be very energy efficient and effective. This article explains the main differences between furnaces and boilers, and why you might want to opt for a boiler. How Boilers and Furnaces Work

3 Tips When Considering A New HVAC System

If your current air conditioning unit is getting old or isn’t as efficient as it was, you may be considering replacing it with a brand new system. However, there are many different types of air conditioning units, and choosing the right one for your home can be difficult. Check out these three tips when you are considering getting a new HVAC system. Determine if Repairs Are Enough Replacing an air conditioner is expensive, but you may not have to spend much money at all.