How To Protect Your Heat Pump

A heat pump is a central figure in a central HVAC system. It uses a lot of electricity and needs to be maintained to keep down energy consumption. Heat pumps are on the outside of a house, and they get dirty more frequently than any part of the system. While you will need to clean your pump cabinet every couple of years, there a few ways that you can keep it cleaner and more efficient. Here are two helpful tips that can contribute to a cleaner and more efficient heat pump.

Cover Your Heat Pump

First of all, you should make sure that you have a waterproof and durable cover for your heat pump. Most heat pumps come with a cover. However, these covers are bound to wear down and become less effective over time. Often, but the covers that are provided are thin, and they wear down after a couple of years. Furthermore, some people just end up losing the cover, and never replacing it. You can find some sturdy third-party products that will last much longer.

The heat pump is obviously only used half of the year. So, you want to keep it covered in the off-season. But, if you ever take long summer vacations, you should also cover it. Making sure it is waterproof to stand up to rain and snow is going to prove very invaluable. A heat that is covered during the winter, or during an extended period where you aren't using it is going to last longer and be more productive, which can both end up saving you a lot of cash in the long run.

Planting Around Your Heat Pump

The heat pump needs to be set on a solid concrete surface. Often, it is set on a small pad which is surrounded by dirt, plants, flowers, and other sorts of landscaping. Of course, having certain types of plants can be problematic. Some plants will produce more foliage and debris, which ends up falling onto and into the heat pump. So, you need to choose the plants near your heat pump very carefully. For instance, evergreen plants are better because they don't drop as many leaves. Also, mulched or moist soil is better than dry dirt that can get kicked up by the wind.

Basically, you can create problems for yourself if you plant the wrong species near your heat pump, so think ahead. For more information, contact a company like Dependable Air Conditioning Co Inc.
