Do You Own An Air Conditioning Unit? 3 Tips To Make It Last Longer

If you own an air conditioning (AC) unit, you likely put it to a lot of use during the hot, summer months. This puts a lot of work on the AC unit, which means it will not last as long if you do not take the steps to take proper care of it. To help you, below are three tips so you can ensure that you stay cool this summer.

Clean the AC Unit

You may not give much notice to the AC unit outside, but it is important that you keep it clean. If you do not, this may block openings on the unit, which will prevent air from blowing throughout the unit the way it needs to.

Fortunately, this is something very easy to do, as you can hose the unit off when you notice it getting dirty. You can also wipe it down, if you prefer. Investigate outside the unit for any built-up debris, such as leaves. If you see any, remove them to clear this area out and keep it clear throughout the year.

Change the Filter

The filter is inside your home, and it is important that it stays clean. If the filter is built up with dirt and debris, as the air passes through it, the filter picks up this dirt and debris. After this, these things are in the air in your home and you breathe it in. Additionally, the AC unit cannot keep your home cool with a dirty filter, as air is restricted from flowing through the filter.

There are many types of filters on the market today. You do have to ensure the one you purchase works with the type of AC unit you have. You can find this information in the documentation that came with your unit.

There are filters that you change out periodically, filters that are best for people with allergies, and filters that you clean yourself and continue using.

Maintain the AC Unit

One of the most important things you can do to extend the life of your AC unit is to maintain it properly. To do this, you should contact the HVAC contractor that installed your system. They will inspect the fins on the fan. If these fins are crooked, the contractor can easily straighten them out. The contractor will check the evaporator coil and the condenser to make sure they are working well. All inside wiring and other components will be inspected as well.

The contractor may also check your thermostat inside your home to see if it is working properly. They can do this by checking the temperature of the air that comes out through the vents. This temperature should be the same temperature that you have set on the thermostat.

For more information and tips, talk with an HVAC contractor from a company like Custom Heating &  Air Conditioning LLC.
