4 Things You Can Do About A Loud Air Conditioning System

Air conditioning systems can make all kinds of noise. When these noises start to get too loud, there are several ways you can try to quiet them down. Making sure all of your components are tight and working properly can help, as well as having your ducts and condenser unit inspected by a professional if it sounds like there's something more seriously wrong with your system.

Search for Loose or Misaligned Parts 

If your air conditioner is starting to get old, some of the parts, such as screws, might start to come loose. This can be the case if you hear a buzzing, vibrating, or rattling sound coming from your air condenser unit outside. Check for loose screws around the unit, especially those that hold down the protective grate covering the fan blades. Use a screwdriver to make sure they're all tight.

You can also monitor the air conditioner as it runs and look for any noticeable issues. For example, the fan blades should not move up and down or side to side as they rotate. If they do, this could be a sign that there's something wrong with the motor or that the fan needs adjusting.

Clean Outdoor Unit

Cleaning the outdoor unit can also help quiet it down. Sticks, leaves, dirt, and other objects can get inside the condenser unit and get knocked around by the wind and fan blades. On top of creating the risk of damage to your fan, it can also cause some unpleasant rattling sounds as long as the air conditioner is on. The condenser unit should be kept free of debris both inside and out, so also check around the base to clear away any weeds or debris on the platform the air conditioner sits on.

Have Outdoor Unit Inspected

If the sounds coming from the outdoor unit are very loud and sound like something caused by a loose part or something grinding, this is something that requires the immediate attention of an HVAC professional. Loud grinding, banging, and rattling sounds can sometimes be caused by problems with the motor or compressor, such as bearings on the inside of the motor starting to fail. In some cases these can be repaired, but the longer they're used while not operating correctly, the more difficult it will be.

Have Ducts Inspected

Ducts can sometimes be the cause of noise if they're rattling or whistling. Ducts that aren't properly sealed or have gaps in them can whistle as air passes through the gaps, and ducts that are not securely fastened can move around more than they're supposed to as air pressure changes inside them. In cases like these, it's usually only necessary to have them repaired, often by having them re-secured or re-sealed. If most of the noises you hear seem to come from inside the house, and if they sound more like whistling or bumping, the ducts could be your problem.

You can also help ensure that airflow isn't restricted by replacing your air filter when it gets too dirty. This will keep air flowing more smoothly and help keep the noise down. Reach out to a local AC service to learn more.
