Answering 3 Facts About Furnace Replacement

With snowfall just around the corner in many places, interest in furnace replacement is at its peak during this time of year. Getting the facts about furnace replacement is a responsible goal for homeowners who are preparing for colder weather. This guide will answer three frequently asked questions about furnace replacement to help you decide if the time is right for this project.

When Is Furnace Replacement the Right Choice?

When it comes to high-value appliances like your furnace, it makes sense to favor repair over replacement. Unfortunately, there comes a time when maintaining your current furnace is more expensive than upgrading to a newer model with fewer problems. Furthermore, replacing an unreliable furnace reduces the chances that your home will be left without heat on a cold day.

Even if you aren't having any problems with your furnace at the moment, you should generally start thinking about furnace replacement when you've had your current furnace for 15 years or more. Gas furnaces can last anywhere from 15 to 20 years on average with regular professional maintenance.

How Long Does Furnace Replacement Take?

HVAC technicians don't want their services to disrupt your life at home. In most homes, technicians can remove the old furnace, install the new unit, and test its performance in the course of a single day's work.

There are a few things you can do to help your furnace replacement go smoothly. Remove furniture and other obstructions around your furnace, and clear a path from your driveway to the furnace room. These steps will help installers move equipment safely and efficiently.

What Should You Look for in a New Furnace?

No single furnace model is the right fit for every home. When you are choosing your new furnace, you can get much better results if you allow an HVAC professional to size it for your home. A furnace that is too large or too small won't provide even heating in every room.

The SEER rating is the next metric to consider when deciding on a new furnace. Among furnaces of the same size, those with a higher SEER rating will use fuel more efficiently and cost less per year to use. As a final consideration, look for other energy-efficient features such as a multi-stage blower or smart thermostat support.

When you need to replace your furnace, leave the job to the pros and don't choose your new furnace too hastily. These tips will help you achieve a quality furnace replacement so you can enjoy greater comfort in your home. For more information about furnace replacement, contact an HVAC contractor.
