Repair Or Replace: What To Do With Your Furnace

Anytime something breaks down around the home, it's tempting to think the worst possible scenario: having to replace whatever is broken. That will inevitably bring about unexpected costs, time spent researching and managing the project, and finding contractors that can handle the job responsibly.

But before you decide to replace the unit, check to see if it can be repaired first. This applies especially to something like a furnace, since they normally last around 20 years with proper furnace maintenance. Though a brand new furnace installation comes with certain advantages, it's worth it to go through the process and see if it can be fixed first.

How Much Are the Repairs?

Aside from regular maintenance, furnace repairs should not be that frequent. However, if you find yourself hiring an HVAC company to perform furnace repairs every year (or more), it might be worth it to look at getting a brand new furnace installation. Apart from the frequency, consider the cost of your repairs as well. A good rule of thumb is that if your repairs total more than 50% of the price of a new install, opt for the furnace installation instead of repairs.

Are Your Energy Bills Increasing?

If you're like most people, energy bills should stay relatively consistent from year to year. If you're paying more now than what you did last winter, and especially if you notice an upward trend in price over the last few years, it's usually a sign that your furnace is starting to break down (increased energy consumption is an indication of a furnace that's working harder and harder). Check with your HVAC company, but don't be surprised if they recommend a furnace installation.

Is the Operation Normal?

A perfectly-working furnace should make virtually no sounds and evenly distribute heat throughout your home. If it's not, or if it's making sounds that you've never heard before — like a clanking or a rattling noise — then that signals something is wrong. Have an HVAC company check it out. In most cases, that can be solved with a few simple furnace repairs, but don't rule out replacing it entirely.

How Old Is the Unit?

As mentioned above, furnaces normally last a long time. After a certain point though — usually around the ten-year mark — it may be more efficient to simply replace the unit than keep having repairs done. Not only will you take advantage of new technologies, but you'll also most likely receive a new warranty which should give you valuable peace of mind.

For more information, reach out to a local furnace installation service.
