Maximizing Residential AC Performance

Maximizing the performance of the AC system in your home can be necessary for keeping the building comfortable when the temperature outside is hot. Despite the value of a residential AC system, homeowners will often be guilty of neglecting some of the steps that are necessary for keeping the AC system working at peak efficiency and output.

1. Consider Whether There Is Sufficient Airflow

For the air conditioning system to cool the entire home, it will need to be able to generate enough force to push the air throughout the ducting. Unfortunately, if your home has an AC system that is too weak for it, the areas of the home that are the furthest away from the system may not receive very much cool air. While upgrading the central AC unit to a stronger model can be one option for correcting this problem, it may be prohibitively expensive to make this change. Luckily, you may be able to correct this problem by using duct boosters that will be able to help push the air through the ducts when it starts to lose momentum.

2. Avoid Running the AC When the Temperature Outside Is Cool

Running the AC when the temperature outside drops can be a major waste of energy, and it can also be very damaging to the central AC unit. In particular, this will vastly increase the risks of the system freezing over. If this were to occur, it can lead to parts of the system rupturing. Because it can be easy to forget the minimum temperature that your unit can safely operate, it may be advisable to write this on the thermostat so that you will be reminded to avoid running the system if it is relatively cool outside.

3. Know the Steps for Winterizing the System

The winter months are likely to be periods of dormancy for your AC system. However, it can still be subjected to damage and wear as a result of the elements. This can make it beneficial to invest a little time in preparing the system for the long winter. Most often, this will involve thoroughly cleaning the exterior to remove any dirt and dust that may have collected in the system. Also, you may want to think about covering the unit to protect it from snow and ice accumulations. These accumulations can increase the risk of core components corroding as a result of this moisture.

For more information, contact residential AC contractors.
