Compact Solutions To Add Modern HVAC To Home Renovations With Limited Available Space

The time has come to renovate your home, and adding things like modern HVAC are essential. What do you do when the available space for your renovations leaves you with few options and conventional duct work cannot be installed? The modern air conditioning solutions have evolved to include compact solutions for these exact needs. There are ductless systems, as well as forced air systems with smaller, compact duct work that can be used inside existing walls. Here are some of the best compact HVAC solutions for air conditioner installation as part of your home renovations:

1. Thermal Barriers and Evaporative Cooling for The Driest Climates

In the driest climates, adding more thermal barriers to your home will help give it a cave-effect; keeping the cool air in and the hot air out, as well as preventing heat gain. The thermal barrier alone will not keep a home in the desert cool during the hottest weather, so, you may also want to have an evaporative cooler installed, which can use a minimal amount of space and does not need to have duct work installed. The downside is that you will need an additional system for heating your home during the winter months.

2. More Conventional HVAC Solution with Compact Ducts

If you must have a more conventional HVAC system with vents and every room and good ventilation, then there are some systems with compact ducts. Compact duct work HVAC systems are a little different than the conventional systems that are installed in most home. With a compact system, the ducts are installed in wall cavities and any other small available spaces. The forced air coming from the ducts is blown out at a higher rate, so you will want to make sure that the vents are in locations where they will not blow directly on people.

3. Break Away from Convention with A Ductless HVAC System

Air conditioning systems have evolved to also include options without the ducts. You have probably heard of ductless air conditioning, but did you know that some of these systems can also provide you with heating. Ductless HVAC systems are an ideal solution for small spaces and are easily installed without a major home improvement project that takes weeks. Since there are no ducts, the systems can be installed quickly, require less labor, are easier to maintain and the installation is less expensive.

These are some of the solutions to help give your home modern HVAC with a limited amount of space. Contact an HVAC service to help with the design and installation of the right heating and air conditioning for your renovation project.
