Minimizing The Amount Of Airborne Allergens In Your Home

When you suffer from allergies, it is best to remove as many airborne allergens from your home as possible. Even though you cannot remove them all, you can make a significant reduction by changing a few aspects within your home.

Upgrade Your Air Filters

One way to help reduce the amount of allergens in the air is to make sure you are using a high quality air filter. These air filters remove more airborne allergens such as pollen, dirt, pet dander and hair while your HVAC unit runs.

Most air filters have a web-like appearance made with numerous strands, and these strands catch the debris within your air. The problem with some filters is that the strands are too far apart, which creates larger holes for debris to go through. The larger holes make it possible for the airborne allergens to stay in your home.

On the other hand, some manufacturers are designing higher quality filters that use more strands. The additional strands minimize the size of the holes, which allows the filter to catch more allergens, thus removing them from the air you breathe.

Maintain Ductwork

Another method you can use for reducing airborne allergens is maintaining your home's ductwork. Without proper maintenance, this area can collect debris that can get back into your home through the vents or broken seams.

The first method for maintaining your ductwork is to have a company clean it out with a high-powered vacuum and brush. As the brush rotates, it knocks debris from the sides of the ductwork, and the vacuum removes it. Some companies even spray an anti-bacterial spray inside the ductwork to help prevent mold from growing, so that additional airborne allergens cannot spread throughout your home.

When you have the ductwork cleaned, you want the company to look for any broken seams. When a seam breaks, it allows air that should go outside to stay inside your attic space or walls. In many cases, this air contains allergens, which is why you need to have any broken seams fixed.

To fix the seams, the technician will need to remove the old adhesive and then replace any screws that are missing. Next, the technician will need to apply a new layer of adhesive, which allows them to seal the area and prevent air from leaking out of your ductwork.

Reducing the amount of airborne allergens in your home is easier to accomplish by changing a few areas in your home. By updating your air filter and maintaining your home's ductwork, you have a better chance at accomplishing your task.

Contact a company like JPS Home Heating & Air Conditioning Ltd Heating repair service to learn more.
